Maans headers are equipped with a pulling shaft that perfectly removes the stem, preparing it for further perfect chopping with a paring knife.
Row dividers are made of high-strength material and have special inclined wings that prevent the product from sliding during the collection process. This detail allows you to significantly reduce crop losses.
- Row number 8.
- Inter-row 700mm.
- Compensation of the side angle of inclination of
the harvester.
- Device for driving and adapting the header to
the selected type of combine harvester.
- Hydraulic unit / coupling
(depends on the type of combine) for connecting the hydraulics of the combine
and the header.
- Gathering chains are equipped with an oil bath, an automatic
tensioning device and a system for cleaning the winding of leaf-stem mass.
- Rigid construction of a
frame simplifies operation and maintenance.
- Safety clutches of the
rotor (shredder) - protect the rotor from damage.
- Automatic adjustment of the
tension of gathering chains.
- The header adapts to any
harvester of imported and domestic production.
- Milking rollers
are made of wear-resistant steel.
- Rigid construction of a frame simplifies operation and maintenance.
- Safety clutches of the
rotor (shredder) - protect the rotor from damage.
- Automatic adjustment of the
tension of gathering chains.
- The header adapts to any
harvester of imported and domestic production.
- Milking rollers are made of
wear-resistant steel.