Header MAANS-M Slavia is a strong and reliable header for harvesting corn. The headers are available in three versions with 6, 8 and 12 rows with a row spacing of 70 cm, which is folding and fixed, with and without a chopper, optionally - oil baths for transmission chains. It is also possible to equip with a set for harvesting sunflowers. MAANS-M Slavia headers are manufactured for any brand of harvester. Collection speed up to 5 km/h is possible.
Strong and durable steel stem dividers well working in extremely challenging conditions, with special sloping wings designed to easily hit the product and prevent it from rashing, reducing product loss. The low height of the header allows it to be lowered very close to the ground, providing excellent harvesting quality.
Working milking rollers with 5 reinforced edges made of wear-resistant steel, rotating in opposite directions, allow continuous capture of stems. This design is the most effective for harvesting corn. In addition, such milking rollers have a long service life and do not require either routine or extraordinary maintenance, which minimizes repair and maintenance costs. Chain tensioners are self-adjusting and self-cleaning.
A hermetic oil bath is used to lubricate the chains of the central drive, which doesn`t require maintenance during the entire warranty period.
The company guarantees the compliance of MAANS-M Slavia headers with the requirements of the Technical Specifications in compliance with the rules of operation, maintenance and storage of the product
The warranty period of the MAANS-M Slavia header is 12 months from the date of sale. The company has the right to remove the warranty obligations for this device in case of confirmation:
- making changes to the design by the consumer, etc;
- the presence of extensive destruction due to accidents;
- lack of necessary records in the warranty cards for the headers, or filling out the cards by the consumer himself
- using the header for other purposes or violating the rules of operation.
Benefits of the MAANS-M Slavia
- an attached header for harvesting corn, which includes a frame with bearing elements, on which are fixed working organs (gearboxes) and left and right drives. Each of these drives consists of at least drive and tension sprockets, connected to each other by a chain provided with a chain stabilizer, which differs.
- auger and gearbox drives are in a hermetic oil bath, increasing the service life of sprockets and chains, thereby reducing maintenance time, and preventing various dirt from entering the transmission.
- the chain gears of the drives located in the oil bath are tensioned on the outside.
- retracting rollers, which are made of a hard alloy, which allows to increase the durability of the rollers and the header also, and also gives the opportunity to qualitatively beat the corn stem before grinding it.
- the stalk chopper rotates at a speed of 2700 rpm, ensuring high-quality grinding along the entire length of the retracting rollers.
- the housing of the reducer is made with a welded seam, this makes it possible to reduce the weight of both the gearbox itself and the header assembly.
- the safety clutch of the gearbox is located in the oil bath, this prevents the ingress of dirt, and also increases the service life.
- a unique angle of the gearbox to the soil surface has been developed, which provides a better cut and grinding of the corn stalk.